Start today with Google Workspace for Education

Use flexible, secure tools for free with Education Fundamentals, or add the enhanced capabilities that you need with Education Standard, the Teaching and Learning Upgrade or Education Plus.

Elevate education with simple, flexible and secure tools with Google Workspace for Education

Make collaboration easier, streamline instruction and keep your learning environment secure with Google Workspace for Education. Use our tools for free, or add enhanced capabilities to suit the needs of your institution.

Enhance class instruction

Utilise easy-to-use learning tools for better collaboration and connection.


Boost productivity

Save time by creating, organising, sharing and marking all in one place.


Elevate student work

Help students to hand in their best work with simple tools to support learning.


Protect your school's data

Keep everyone’s work, identity and privacy safe with proactive security features and controls.

Book your free trial today

Complete the form below and our team will be in touch to arrange your free trial. You can trial up to 50 licenses of any paid edition for 60 days.

Choose the Google Workspace for Education edition that’s right for your institution

Education Fundamentals

Empower your school with a free suite of tools that enables collaborative learning on a secure platform.

Education Standard

Increase control and visibility across your learning environment with advanced security and analytics tools.

Teaching & Learning Upgrade

Add enhanced educator tools to enrich communication and learning experiences, and guide academic integrity.

Education Plus

The ultimate edition includes proactive security and enhanced collaboration tools to deepen learning experiences.

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